Brussels Sprout Melts

Happy Thanksgiving week! I've got a very fall recipe for you today. I'd love to say that this one was premeditated, but the reality is that I went to make mushroom toast with some mushrooms I really needed to use up, only to find that I was a couple of days too late (RIP mushrooms, you deserved better). Fortunately I had some Brussels sprouts from the farmers market (I wonder how many times I've said that exact phrase?), so I instead threw them on top of the bread I'd bought for the mushroom toast. It was delicious! Even my sister (a Brussels sprouts hater) said so. With such a ringing endorsement and a small ingredient list, I'd suggest you make this very soon (a light Thanksgiving lunch, perhaps?). Brussels Sprout Melts Yield: 2 servings Ingredients 1 small or 1/2 large sweet onion 1 tbsp butter Salt and pepper, to taste 15-20 medium Brussels sprouts Olive oil, for the pan Pinch of red pepper flakes (optional) 4 1/2-inch thick slices of hearty c...