Sweet Potato Melts

I made these the day after making the Brussels sprout melts. I think this may become a lunchtime theme. I had plenty of bread left over, and I needed to use up more of my farmers market haul. Veggie melts like these are a great way to get in your vegetables and they make quite a yummy lunch. This one was inspired by my love of sweet potatoes fries with garlic aioli, and then I added some onions and parmesan because, well, I always do. Unlike the Brussels sprouts melt, this actually was planned in advance - I got the idea one day just sitting around, so I wrote in in the notes section of my phone as usual. Unfortunately, I was missing one element from my original plan that I think would have been delicious - I was planning on topping these with a little arugula lightly dressed with lemon juice and olive oil. If you have those ingredients, I'd highly suggest you give it a try (and then tell me what you think!). But I assure you these sweet potato melts are still plenty delicious wit...